Wednesday, March 5, 2008

PGD, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis - Gender Selection

Gender Selection, PGD, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: "PGD, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, and Gender Selection

PGD is sometimes used to help couples select the sex of their children gender selection . One reason gender selection is important is that many genetic diseases are sex linked, meaning they only occur in a child of a specific sex. PGD for gender selection insures that PGDan embryo with a potential sex linked genetic disease is not transferred to the mother. Only embryos of the unaffected sex will be transferred.

PGD / gender selection is used by some couples who have children of one gender and want to experience the joy of raising a child of the opposite gender. Other couples choose gender selection because they want a male child that can perpetuate their family name, or for any number of other personal reasons.

PGD is discussed in detail on this Web site as are, the gender selection process, and we provide descriptions of the various potential sex linked genetic defects. Huntington is also one of the few centers that offers the Microsort gender selection technique. Microsort can be reviewed at our main Web site.

PGD is performed in conjunction with an in vitro fertilization IVF cycle to produce embryos that can be biopsied. If indicated, techniques such as ICSI will be employed. As in a regular IVF cycle, the female receives ovulation induction medications FSH"

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